Wednesday, October 30, 2013

2 Months Post Op

Misty October 2013

Life is back to normal. I still have scars from the surgery. Still struggling with getting enough water, but I am doing pretty well drinking my protein shakes. I am loosing about 1 lb per week, which is progress. My goal is to really increase my exercise. It is time to get better toned. I am down 31 lbs. At my last doctor's appointment, I weighed in at 237, which make my BMI 42.0 . I can pretty much eat what I want now, but am supposed to keep my carb consumption low and my protein and vegetable consumption high. It is kind of dangerous though because the holidays are coming up and there is a lot of chocolate and treats staring me in the face on a daily basis. 

1 month Post Op

It has been a month since my surgery and I seem to be doing pretty well. The pain from my shoulder is gone and my stomach seems to be healing pretty well. My biggest struggle is drinking enough water each day, it is really a challenge for me to remember to drink when I am supposed to drink and then turn around and eat "dry meals." There are many days that I don't get enough water and end up with a headache from dehydration.